Monday 7 July 2008


I just got off from playing locoroco from my PSP, I must say this is a really fun and idillic game. Initially I bought this for my newphew, it looks like something suitable for a 4 year old. And it is! It's suitable for everyone from 4 years old to 40!!

Firstly let me tell you something, locoroco seems to be sony's answer to to nintendo's range of gameplay-heavy games. What I mean is, nintendo, although aren't known for big releases and massive range of games, are known and liked for the excellent gameplay and the quality of the games. I mean my cousins still play their N64 because they like the game so much!! Hmm I think I'm going to have to buy them a wii before summer is over.

Sony has been known for highly technical games loved by computer nerds, and this seems to be a limited targets.

So it seems like SONY has decided to diversify and wanted to introduce user firnedly games that anyone can play. Locoroco seems to be the answer.

I love this game, and could easily spend hours playing the games, the kiddish music although very kindergarten will not annoy you, it's actually kinda cute, to be honest. Actually it's one of the few games were I actually like the music, on most games the music is aweful and I prefer to turn the sound right off when I'm playing.

Anyways I'm off to go play some more locorocco,

Stay turned, I'll report back more about PSP pandora batterys, downgrading, flashing, and some good games coming out soon!


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